104 Wilson St, Beckley, WV 25801

(304) 255-2559

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Get Help

A Way Out

For Victims Of

Domestic Violence

AWAY is one of fourteen (14) licensed domestic violence programs in West Virginia and is a member program of the WV Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Dating Violence

Dating Violence is defined as the physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional violence within a dating relationship, as well as stalking.

Sexual Violence

Sexual assault is a crime that happens when you are forced, threatened or manipulated into sexual contact against your will.


Stalking is a pattern of behaviors rather than a single incident. In addition to federal stalking statutes, WV has laws to address stalking.

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery where an individual is a forced laborer such as those forced to perform commercial sexual acts

Offering Support

To Southern West Virginia

Safety Tips

Get access to a list of tips to help victims and their loved ones remain safe during incidences of violence, when preparing to leave, or help issuing an Order of Protection.

Personal Safety Planning

Women’s Resource Center offers assistance in developing a Personal Safety Plan for victims, survivors, and witnesses of domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual violence.

Get Help Today

AWAY is available and providing services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence and human trafficking. Services and support are available 24 hours a day by calling our hotline at 304-255-2559.