A Way Forward
Advocacy and Services for ALL victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence since 1983
Formerly Women’s Resource Center
AWAY is a private, West Virginia non profit agency that provides temporary emergency shelter, counseling, crisis intervention, advocacy and other supportive services for victims, survivors, and witnesses of domestic violence and sexual violence.

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AWAY Locations
Serving Southern WV
Services are provided free of charge, 24/7 at our shelter in Beckley, WV as well as in our extension offices located in Raleigh (Beckley), Fayette (Fayetteville), Summers (Hinton), and Nicholas (Summersville) counties.
Who We Are
AWAY (formerly Women’s Resource Center) is one of fourteen (14) licensed domestic violence programs in the state of West Virginia and is a member program of the West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence. AWAY is one of nine (9) rape crisis centers of The West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services; West Virginia’s sexual assault coalition.
AWAY operates a 36-bed shelter (largest in the state) that has been housing victims of domestic and sexual violence since 1983. Services are provided at our shelter as well as in our extension offices located in Raleigh (Beckley), Fayette (Fayetteville), Summers (Hinton), and Nicholas (Summersville) counties.
AWAY offers temporary emergency shelter, crisis intervention, individual therapeutic counseling, legal, personal, medical and systems advocacy, individual case management, 24 hour crisis hotline, information and referral, service planning and safety planning, support groups and programs to assist child witness and survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Victim Rights
- YOU have the RIGHT to be treated with dignity and respect
- YOU have the RIGHT to notification
- YOU have the RIGHT to be present
- YOU have the RIGHT to be heard
- YOU have the RIGHT to reasonable protection from intimidation and harm
- YOU have the RIGHT to restitution
- YOU have the RIGHT to information and referral
- YOU have the RIGHT to apply for compensation
- YOU have the RIGHT to speedy proceedings